
5 Spring Self-Care Tips to Recharge After a Long Winter

The long, cold winter is finally over, and the warm spring weather has finally arrived. Now that the snow’s melted and the flowers are blooming, it’s time to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, too. In addition to planning some fun springtime activities with friends and family members, you should make time for your own self-care routine. Whether you’re looking to add some relaxation or convenience to your life, here are 5 spring self-care tips to recharge after a long winter.


While a massage may seem like it could be an indulgence in spring, it’s actually quite refreshing after a long, cold winter. Getting a massage is also one of those rare opportunities where you can take time for yourself and completely unplug. The effects can really rejuvenate your body and mind; so treat yourself with some self-care by booking an appointment at your local day spa!


Exercising outdoors is a great way to get moving and breath in some fresh air. Pick up some new hiking boots, grab a friend or two and take off on one of your local trails.

If you’re new to hiking, it’s important you wear appropriate clothing so that you stay as comfortable as possible while on your walk. Dress in layers and bring plenty of water; keeping hydrated can help keep aches and pains at bay. Since sunlight can be stronger during longer days, put on sunscreen when you know your outdoor excursions will last all day long. And, if you don’t like bugs biting you during summer months or hate dealing with poison ivy on long hikes, bring along bug spray and an anti-itch cream just in case!

Tea Time

Like certain foods, you might think of tea as an indulgence. However, it’s also been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue and promote relaxation and better sleep. As a bonus, it may even protect against heart disease and cancer thanks to its high concentration of antioxidants. To help yourself relax in springtime, brew up some organic green or chamomile tea—just make sure it doesn’t have any added sugars!

Reading a Book

Relaxing with a good book or listening to music is an excellent way to unwind. Even if you think you’re not in need of some self-care, it’s important to remember that stress affects all parts of your life, not just your mental health. Take time out for yourself and read something that makes you happy. You might even find it inspires you on an upcoming project or reminds you why creativity is so important in today’s world.

Just getting lost in another world can have a big impact on your mental health and help de-stress after a long winter.

Taking Time Off From Technology

This spring, unplug from technology and you’ll benefit in many ways. You’ll relax, boost creativity, and get some much-needed ‘me’ time. Pick one day and do something that doesn’t involve any electronic devices. Try going outside or spending time with family, reading a book instead of watching TV—the possibilities are endless!

Technology is commonly used as a distraction that takes a lot of time from yourself and your life. By putting technology away, you can focus more on the things that you enjoy doing!


Unwind after a long winter using some or all the tips we mentioned above, and especially a massage! Take care of yourself and your mind, and make sure to prioritize yourself every now and then. It’s easy to get caught up in life and forget to take time for yourself, but with these simple tips, you’ll get to benefit from life this springtime.